#2796 04.05.2024 00:00 AP
Heute ist: Star Wars Day!

May the 4th be with you!

Themen: HH

#2794 01.05.2024 21:37 AP

Everything Curl

Everything curl is an extensive guide for all things curl. The project, the command-line tool, the library, how everything started and how it came to be the useful tool it is today.

#2793 01.05.2024 14:46 AP

Bruegel: The European Union’s remarkable growth performance relative to the United States

The European Union suffers from numerous weaknesses compared to the United States, including the lack of European tech giants, weaker university rankings and limited private capital availability. But one frequently cited claim is wrong: in terms of output growth, the EU has not fallen significantly behind the US. In fact it has converged to the US in terms of per-capita output, per-worker output and, especially, output per hours worked.

#2792 01.05.2024 03:48 AP

Reddit > Twitter -> Lemmy > Mastodon.

Themen: HH

#2789 30.04.2024 17:41 AP
Realitätsabgleich der Jahreszeiten

Ein Vorschlag zur Konsolidierung und gleichzeitigem Realitätsabgleich der Jahreszeiten:

  • Herbst: 1. November bis Ende Feber.
  • Frühling: ein paar Tage Anfang März. Wenn anwendbar.
  • Hochsommer: 1. April bis Ende Oktober.

#2787 30.04.2024 00:00 AP
Heute ist: Walpurgisnacht!
Themen: HH